Terms and Conditions
Shipping only takes place when the temperature outside is below 23degC.
All prices are in DKK and include 25% VAT. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Apple Pay for online purchases. Prices are subject to change without notice. We ship only within Denmark. For shipping to other countries please inquire at info@beantobite.dk for individual assessment.
If you have any questions regarding product quality, we encourage you to contact us by email or phone. There is no return and exchanges on food unless it is a complaint. If you wish to make a complaint, you need to do so within two months of receiving the order. Complaint needs to contain the following information:
- What product the complaint is about
- What is wrong with the product
- Expiry date
- Pictures
and needs to be sent to info@beantobite.dk with email title starting with the word “complaint”. Please keep the product that you contact us about, as we might need it back for investigation.
RETURNS (only if requested) SHOULD BE SENT TO:
Bean to Bite
Østergade 26A, st, tv
1100 København K
If you do have any questions to our terms and conditions, please contact us: